HEGURU RIGHT BRAIN EDUCATION SCHOOL, Chennai, has been adjudged among India's Top 5 pre schools amongst 750 assessed by the Education World Preschool Grand Jury Awards 2019-20.

The award was presented at a glittering function at Sahara Hotel, Mumbai. It was Received by it”s Chennai  Director Ms Jayashree R . 

These Awards have been instituted to felicitate preschools making Heguru centre extraordinary efforts to introduce innovative practices in early childhood education. 


Indians in Kuwait

Heguru is an educational program for young children, headquartered in Tokyo with centers spread across 13 countries. In India, the 1st center was established in Chennai  and is committed to providing ideal early childhood education and develop the bond with their parents in the early stages of their life.

 Heguru classes start from the prenatal stage, when the baby is still in the mother’s womb. Next is the infant and toddler stage which is the most crucial for building“foundational strength” that starts with nurturing the “mind and heart”. 

Right brain development is not an overnight task and Heguru classes are available for your children from 6 months onward. Heguru is the best early childhood program as attested by our numerous parent testaments and the greatest gift you can give your child.


Indians in Kuwait

Visit  @ Heguru Right Brain Development School, Sucons Sivagami Square, 1st Floor, G.N Chetty Road, T. Nagar , Chennai-17. Mobile : 98846 20022

Website : www.heguruindia.com

--by Madhulika



IFL  - Kuwait 2025