She in a He Gang - Najma AZIZ

She in a He Gang

---by Najma Aziz Chakkiwala

ThumpnailWhat is it like to be the only girl in an all-guys group? Let me tell you. Firstly, you are not considered a girl anymore. Congratulations! 

You're one of the dudes now. You are a “bro” to them and if one fine day you decide to put on a pretty dress with makeup on and do your hair, it will be the most hilarious day of your life as you watch their jaws drop and become completely speechless as they cannot process the fact that you could actually look like a girl. 

Being the only girl isn't boring or uncomfortable or awkward at all. It’s the sweetest experience of my life, guys teach you the best definition of friendship. 

Firstly, they might call you a loser and tell you to shut up a thousand times but when you are hungry, they will run down and get you your favourite fast food.

 Each of them will have ample amounts of ridiculous nicknames for you. While they will make fun of you for liking a guy, they will also break his face if he ever hurts you.

 1 Photo of authorThe discovery of how they know all about Fast & Furious and the pain of Paul Walker dying still stings them to this date will amaze you. After a while, you start talking in slang and become the girl gangster yourself. 

And before you know it you will be the “shawty” of the group because literally all the guys will be a freaking foot taller than you and you'll be the moving, walking, talking armrest for them. 

Stealing their hoodies will turn out to be your favourite crime and oversized t-shirts and baggy clothes will become your go-to outfit. 

The odour of those intoxicating deodorants that girls love to smell will cling to your body. Gradually you will get accustomed to those amazingly comfy bear hugs and piggyback rides that end up in them making you fall and laughing like a maniac which turns into a playful catch and catch fight when you pull them to the ground making them fall too. 

Moreover, you start developing a new perspective on life. Things like burping, farting, or scratching don’t disgust you anymore.

 Your life becomes rather simple and drama-free. In their company, you start to learn and make logical decisions because trust me when I tell you that sometimes a girl’s logic does take a backseat in her life. 

Guys are good listeners and when you need to rant about your problems, they will sit down next to you and listen to you till you're done. 

You learn that guys have a feminine side in them too. They have this huge emotional baggage, and they can be heavy criers too. You tell them it’s okay to cry and let it all out, you all are like a support system to each other. 

You pick and learn traits that lead you to form logical decisions and practical ways of life by keeping your emotions in check. 

Any girl-related conflict and they come running to you for your opinion remembering you're a girl again. And of course, you pull their leg initially but then help them out eventually. 

The word “girl” starts to fade away from your life and it is quite obvious from your demeanour but that doesn't seem to bother you one bit. 

On the other hand, you get all the attention from aunties and teachers and they tell you to behave more like a girl.

the gang Irrationally nagging you to spend more time with people of the same gender as yours. Putting in the picture that you being the only girl alone with boys is not safe, little do they know that these are the boys who have made me capable enough to defend myself if anyone ever touches me. 

These are the boys who made me realize I am no less than any guy and that I should believe in my power. 

Unlike others, they never wanted me to be fragile, gentle, or tender like how society wants a girl to be. It’s because of them that I believe I am the best version of who I am. 

This bunch of half-wits whom you hang around with the whole day has become more of a family to you. 

They have taught you what loyalty and friendship really mean. And they won’t tell you they love you on a daily basis, or they may not even tell you at all. 

But you know they love you when no matter what life throws at you, your boys will always stick around by your side looking out for you. 

This Article has been mentored by Nasrin Ejner ICE Consultant, India and inspired by the sketch drawn by Suraj. N, one of the He gang members, who captured the perfect moment of She in a He gang. 
