celPrepared by Mathews Panicker

II nd Year MBBS

KS Hegde Medical Academy, Manglore, India

Ex-student of ELC Daycare

cellMy grandmother aged 81 years developed swelling on her right foot with pain. It later extended to the calf and the knee with severe redness and inflammation. The doctor examined her and ruled out Deep Vein Thrombosis by Dopler Test, Blood test etc. and then diagnosed as Cellulitis of the right leg. This in turn instigated me to study more about it.

What is Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the dermis - the deep layer of skin - as well as fat and soft tissue layer that are under the skin.If it is not treated with antibiotics, the infection can spread to the blood or lymph nodes. This can be deadly.

Older adults and people who have diabetesor a weak immune systemcan get Cellulitis without having a break in the skin. These people are also more likely to develop dangerous problems from cellulitisand are more likely to get cellulitis again.

What causes Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is caused by bacteria most commonly streptococci or staphylococci groups.Theseare commonly found on the surface of the skin and cause no harm, but if they get under the skin they can cause infection. For the bacteria to get in they need a route - a break in the skin caused by:

·      An injury to your skin, such as a cut, bite or a burn

·      Skin problems, such as ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, or a fungal infectionlike athlete's foot.

·      Certain medical conditions like diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, or a weak immune system.

·      Fluid buildup (edema) in the legs or arms.

·      Had liposuctionto remove excess fat.

·      Injected illegal drugsunder your skin.

·      The bacteria may also enter by some other route, such as through the blood or the lymphatic system

What are the symptoms?       


Cellulitis of the leg

 Cellulitis usually begins as a small area of pain and redness on the skin. This area spreads to surrounding tissues, resulting in the typical signs of inflammation, redness, swelling, warmth, and pain. A person with Cellulitis can also develop fever and/or swollen lymph nodes in the area of the infected skin.

Cellulitis can occur anywhere on the body. In adults, it often occurs on the legs, face, or arms. In children, it is most common on the face or around the anus. An infection on the face could lead to a dangerous eyeinfection.

How is it treated?

Doctors use antibiotics to treat Cellulitis. Along with the antibiotics, UNNA Boot Dressing with zinc oxide and a steroid is very effective to bring down swelling and inflammation.  If the infection is mild, you may be able to take antibiotic pills at home. If the infection is severe, you may need to be treated in the hospital with antibiotics that go right into your bloodstream. Once the swelling completely subsides, compression stockings should be used to regularize the blood flow from the heart to the foot and vice versa. 


Who are more susceptible to Cellulitis?

§  Obese people

§  People with a weakened immune system- such as patients undergoing chemotherapyor radiotherapy, those with AIDS/HIV, and very elderly people.

§  People with diabetes

§  People with blood circulation problems

§  People with chickenpox and shingles

§  People who have had Cellulitis before

§  People who inject illegal drugs

§  Highly densely populated areas

Cellulitis fact

·         Cellulitis is not contagious.

It is very important to get treatment right away for Cellulitis. If it is not treated, the bacteria can spread quickly through the body and cause sepsis, an extreme response by the body’s defense system. This can be deadly. Cellulitis on the face can spread to the brainand cause a dangerous infection such as meningitis. Cellulitis can also cause other serious problems, such as blood clotsin the legs.

 Therefore I insist not to neglect any swelling in the legs and to seek immediate medical attention. Your healthcare provider is the best source of information for questions and concerns related to your medical problem. It is important to seek guidance from him who is familiar with your individual situation.


Medical News Today, WebMD Medical reference from Healthwise, Medicinenet.com, Medline Plus .