Don’t let the tears dry!


With the increasing access to digital devices, Computer Vision Syndrome is becoming a common ailment

Nowadays ours eyes do not get adequate rest as most of the time we are either on our computer, laptop, i-pad, mobile or watching television. Eye strain caused by excessive use of computer is called Computer Vision Syndrome or digital vision syndrome. It manifests as tiredness, inability to work for long hours, blurring of vision, double vision, watering, redness, itching and pain in eyes. These symptoms will be present in 95 per cent of people who use the computer for more than three hours a day.

Why It Happens

When we work on computers our muscles of convergence and accommodation have to work constantly causing their fatigue. Dryness caused by evaporation of tears and reflections from the computer screen coupled with bad posture further aggravate the symptoms.

What To Do

Posture and Exercises

Good posture and regular exercises of back and cervical muscles are a must if you use the computer for more than three to four hours a day.


The room should be well illuminated with the light source positioned in a way that light does not fall directly on your eyes or on the screen The light source should be behind the screen or on the ceiling and partially covered. anti-glare screens and spectacles can also help.


Normally we blink 10 to 12 times a minute. When we watch TV our blink rate is 5 to 6 a minute and while working on the computer it further goes down to 3 to 4 times a minute. Reduced blinking causes evaporation of tears thereby increasing the osmolarity (concentration) of the tears. The hyperosmolar tears induce inflammation and tear film instability which in turn cause increase reflex lacrimation. In other words, the dry eye caused by Computer Vision Syndrome may present not only as dry eye but may present as watering and inflamed eye.

To overcome this, it is better to have the computer screen 20 to 40 degrees below the eye level. This causes partial closure of the eyes by the lids thereby decreasing the evaporative surface
IFL  - Kuwait 2024