Things You Must Know When Donating Blood

 Learn about blood donating centres
There are a number of blood banks who host blood donation camps several times a year. If you want to donate blood, you can research the schedules of these camps or register with them so that they contact you whenever there is a need. Apart from blood banks, there are also a number of NGO’s who host blood donation camps. Remember to always conduct a background check on the authenticity of the organisation you are donating your blood to.

Don’t go hungry
Dizziness and lightheadedness is a common side effect after blood donation. In order to combat it, make sure you eat well before you donate blood. Also, remember to drink enough or liquids to keep your body well-hydrated. If you have been planning this for a while, eat foods rich in iron for a few days before you donate. So, you won’t feel very weak after the procedure.

Expect a check-up before
Before donating blood, a health professional will examine you for several aspects before he/she considers you fit for donating blood. They will check your weight, hemoglobin levels, blood pressure and medical history and only then will they be able to recognise you as a donor. The following criteria must be met in order for an individual to qualify as a blood donor.

Age: 18- 60 years
Weight: 45kgs or more
Hemoglobin: 12.5gm% minimum
Medical history: The donor must be healthy and not have suffered from any chronic diseases recently.

Rest soon after you donate
The total procedure of blood donation will take 10 to 15 minutes. They will collect about 350 ml of blood in one donation. You will be lying down or seated during this procedure. It is important that you relax after this. You may suffer from some basic side effects like dizziness, so it is recommended that you rest after the procedure.

Eat after the donation
To restore lost fluids and beat dizziness, you will have to eat and drink soon after you donate blood. Drink juice or plenty of water as this will replenish the lost fluids quickly. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol all through the day.

Don’t exert yourself after a blood donation
Even if you don’t feel weakened, remember that blood donation will affect your normal bodily functions for at least a day. Don’t indulge in body exerting activities like exercising, shopping etc after donating blood. 