Royal City Clinic, Jleeb -Free medical check up

 Royal City Clinic, Jleeb

Team Royal City Clinic is now fulfilling promise of working towards and with the Community - executing our Launch offer of Free Medical (Executive Check Ups) to 2000 Registrations. The response was overwhelming with almost 3000 registrations!

But their team is working fast - our first 100 will be concluded soon with their reports underway. If you were wondering where the Bollywood celebrities were at our launch - here's why - we decided to invest that back into the Community!

The residents in Jleeb have also been very supportive and appreciative of the facilities - the stream of regular patients is on a steady increase.

You will not have to worry about lack of medical assistance on Fridays, our Clinic will be open and working from 2pm - 10pm each Friday.

Clinic also offer Home Blood Collection services in Jleeb and close by areas.

Royal City Clinic look forward to connecting with you and partnering you on your Community initiative!

Until then, from Royal City Clinic - Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!
IFL  - Kuwait 2024