Common antidepressant may help stroke victims recover

 A commonly prescribed antidepressant may help stroke survivors improve movement and coordination even when rehabilitation after the stroke incidents gets a little delayed, new research has found.

An estimated 65 percent of stroke survivors experience some weakness or paralysis of their limbs, and difficulty in walking and moving due to the death of brain cells from lack of blood flow.

While it is know that earlier the rehabilitation starts for stroke victims, better is the recovery, this new study has showed that the drug fluoxetine, often sold under the trade name Prozac, prolongs the time after a stroke during which physical therapy remains effective for recovering lost motor function.

'For rehabilitation to be effective, it needs to start as soon after a stroke as possible,' said lead author of the study Steven Zeiler, assistant professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland, US.

'But with this study, we have shown that in mice, we can extend the time period during which rehabilitative intervention has an effect on meaningful recovery,' Zeiler noted.
IFL  - Kuwait 2024