FOR A SWEET LIFE Stay Away From Sweet -CMPA

Stay Away From Sweet
Changes in diet and urbanization have led to sharp increases in the numbers of people developing diabetes. The United Nations has made numerous efforts  to increase the visibility of diabetes as an important global public health problem that requires urgent attention from policy makers and health planners around the world.
Good diabetes control means keeping your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. In Indian environment, awareness is required more for moderate physical activity and avoiding foods high in sugars and saturated fats.
With a great care and concern for the burning health issue, the Centre for Media & Public Affairs (CMPA) launches a movement 'Stay Away From Sweet' on August 15, 2012 to create awareness among our young citizens to secure a hale and healthy future! The 'Stay Away From Sweet' movement is aimed at conducting counseling sessions, seminars and awareness meets to draw attention to the risk factors involved in consuming more sweets.
We celebrate 'Children's Day' on November 14. On the same day, we observe 'World Diabetes Day' too. Let us understand the significance of the coincidence and save our children from the hazards of consuming more sweets! 
Just an email message to us will be enough to join the movement as a volunteer!
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