How to avoid bad hair days
 Everyone has bad hair days, but if you want to save yourself from having such disastrous days, you can easily do so.

All you need to do is to pay more attention to your scalp. For example, when you are washing your hair, see to it that you clean your scalp well, and give it a massage too, as it increase the blood circulation. Your scalp tends to get greasy from oil, dead skin cells and pollution.

Another trick to avoid a bad hair day is to see to it that you condition your hair well. Most people use their hair conditioner on for two minutes or so. But this is not enough time for the product to seep into your hair and repair it. If you have damaged hair, you should try leaving the conditioner on for some more time (ten minutes) and then rinse it off.

It's important to wash your hair clean, whenever you are using any product on it, even when you shampoo and condition it. If you don't wash it well, the remainder of the hair product will leave your hair looking sticky and greasy.
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