Courageous girl

 Courageous girl
Courageous girl

A 22-year-old girl from Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh astonished the entire village by refusing to marry her drunk groom-to-be. She refused to exchange 'Jaimala' and marry someone not sensible enough to act wisely.

According to the girl, the groom came very drunk to the religious ceremony along with all his relatives and misbehaved with her siblings and guests. The girl walked away from the venue after the groom, along with his drunk friends, started a fight over the music... played at the venue. The priest constantly asked to stop playing the loud music but the groom wanted to interference in the fun.
The girl's parents stepped up courageously and supported her in her decision to walk out on the wedding. Even the entire village supported the idea of cancelling the wedding, as it seemed foolish to knowingly put the girl in a trap.

The girl was entirely decked up and ready in her red traditional for the ceremony but that did not stop her from putting her foot down and doing the right thing without thinking of the society.

A relative mentioned that "the marriage party was looking like the a party of drunken people. The bride could not tolerate that the boy who was going to be her better half should come in an inebriated state. She could not digest the fact that the groom was using abusive words for her relatives in his drunken state."

The Logical Indian applauds this courageous girl and hopes more girls get inspired to control their own lives.
--Sana Maria
IFL  - Kuwait 2024