Step-by-Step Instructions for Taking Online Sick Leave in Kuwait Using the MOH Q8Seha App


Navigating sick leave procedures has become more streamlined in Kuwait with the MOH Q8Seha app. This digital tool, introduced by the Ministry of Health (MOH), simplifies applying for and managing sick leaves online. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you can efficiently handle your health-related leaves with ease.

Meta Keywords: "sick leave MOH Kuwait," "online sick leave Kuwait," "MOH Kuwait sick leave download," "how to apply for sick leave online," "how to apply for sick leave online MOH Kuwait"

Downloading the MOH Q8Seha App:

Detailed Steps for Using the MOH Q8Seha App:

  1. Authenticate with Kuwait Mobile ID: Log into the Q8Seha app using your Kuwait Mobile ID. Ensure you approve the necessary notifications for successful authentication.
  2. Accessing 'My Sick Leaves': Once logged in, navigate to the "My Sick Leaves" section.
  3. Electronic Sick Leave Request: Click on "Electronic Sick Leave Request" in the 'My Sick Leaves' area.
  4. Selecting Your Workplace: Choose from the listed workplaces or select "Others" if your workplace isn't listed.
  5. Downloading Your Sick Leave: Once your sick leave is issued, download it by clicking on "Save File."
  6. Reviewing Past Sick Leaves: To view past sick leaves, revisit "My Sick Leaves" and then choose "Clinics."

Additional Resources:

Benefits of Using the MOH Q8Seha App:

Conclusion: The MOH Q8Seha app is a vital tool for efficiently managing sick leaves in Kuwait. Following this guide, you can easily navigate the app and handle your health-related leaves with confidence.
