Kuwait's New Visit Visa Rules 2024


Understanding the New Visit Visa Regulations Set to Commence This Wednesday

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, many countries are revisiting their immigration policies to better manage the influx of visitors. A significant update comes from the upcoming changes to the visit visa rules, which are set to take effect this Wednesday. These modifications aim to streamline the visitation process while ensuring that visitors and expatriates can enjoy a hassle-free experience. This detailed article delves into the nuances of the new regulations, offering clarity and guidance to prospective visitors.

1. Visa Validity and Entry Requirements

Under the new regulations, individuals granted a visit visa must enter the country within a month from the date the visa is issued. This change underscores the importance of timely travel planning, as visas will become invalid after this one-month period. This measure is designed to prevent the accumulation of unused visas and ensure that visitors are genuinely intending to enter the country within a specified timeframe.

2. Revised Visit Visa Durations

A significant adjustment has been made concerning the duration of visit visas:

  • For Wives and Children of Expatriates: The duration for visit visas has been reduced to three months. This change aims to better accommodate the short-term nature of family visits while still allowing ample time for families to spend together.
  • For Parents and Siblings: The visit visa duration for parents and siblings is now limited to one month. This adjustment reflects a more streamlined approach to managing family visits, ensuring that visitors can enjoy their stay without overstaying.

3. Age Restrictions for Visit Visa Applicants

In a move to tailor the visit visa policy more precisely, individuals over the age of 50 will generally not be eligible for a visit visa. However, exceptions may be made for parents above this age threshold, subject to a thorough review of the applicant's situation and salary. This criterion ensures that visitors can adequately support themselves during their stay and that their visit is in line with the country's immigration objectives.

4. Health Insurance Requirement

A notable proposal under consideration is the requirement for visit visa applicants to purchase health insurance. This potential requirement aims to safeguard visitors and the healthcare system, ensuring that all visitors can access medical care without imposing a financial burden on the host country.

5. Minimum Salary Requirements

The financial capability of expatriates applying for visit visas for their families has been addressed through specific salary requirements:

  • For Wives and Children: A minimum salary of 400 KWD is required to apply for a visit visa. This requirement ensures that visiting family members are adequately supported during their stay.
  • For Parents and Siblings: The minimum salary threshold is set at 800 KWD for visit visas. This higher requirement reflects the additional financial responsibility assumed by those inviting extended family members.


The forthcoming changes to the visit visa regulations represent a significant shift in immigration policy, emphasizing the need for responsible tourism and family visits. By setting clear guidelines on visa validity, duration, applicant eligibility, and financial requirements, the new rules aim to foster a balanced and sustainable visitation framework. Prospective visitors and expatriates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these changes, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable visitation experience.

These updates underscore the country's commitment to maintaining a welcoming yet regulated environment for international visitors. As the implementation date approaches, it is crucial for all potential visitors and expatriates to review these regulations closely and prepare accordingly to ensure compliance and a hassle-free entry.

IFL  - Kuwait 2024