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SUPW Activities in ICSK Junior for the Month of April 2017


MONTH OF April 2017.


On Monday 24th April 2017 ICSK Junior students of Class I & II were taught to cover books.  SUPW aims to create awareness among the children to keep the books neat and tidy. The children learnt to cover books using old newspapers, scissors and Glue. On the same day, the students of Class III were taught to make flowers with craft paper. The class rooms were decorated with beautiful and creative flowers.

On Tuesday 25th April Classes IV, V &VI as a part of the SUPW activity, students were provided with white square cloth, needle and thread.  Running stitch was introduced to them motivating to prepare the student learn the art of stitching, which proves to be useful as it comes handy at various circumstances. The students were encouraged to do the stitching and they seemed very enthusiastic in learning.

Activities like these are planned during SUPW classes to enhance the student ̓s skill, provide challenges and captivate their concentration and presence of mind. The students showed a great feeling of excitement and enjoyed the work.

On Wednesday 26th April I.C.S.K Junior conducted SUPW for kindergarten section.

L.K.G & U.K.G Children were given old news paper and asked them to crush nicely using fingers and palm.  The crushed pieces were the stuck on the different pictures.  This activity helps in improving their hand and the muscular movement


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