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Grand Welcome for Tiny Tots in ICSK Amman


Grand WelcomeThe new batch of LKG students of The Indian Community School Kuwait - Amman  was given a splendid welcome on their first day, 8th April 2018.The highlight of the welcome programme was the orientation session arranged for the parents to empower them in joining the school for educating the child.

 Principal Mr. Rajesh Nair welcomed the gathering and gave a presentation in detail on how to guide the children through their journey ahead in LKG. He briefed the parents about the care and precautions to be taken in early stages of schooling.

Supervisor Mrs. Julie Antony clearly explained the rules and regulations of the school and gave clear instructions to parents on how to support the school in educating the child. Children from Primary and UKG presented beautiful dances which even the new comers relished. RJs of Radio Amman conducted spot games for parents and children which they enjoyed thoroughly. Vice Principal Dr. Mary Isaac proposed the vote of thanks and congratulated the parents for choosing ICSK as their partner in moulding the future of their child.

Children were happy to be in the beautifully decorated, colourful classrooms and were delighted to receive special gifts from their teachers. With the welcome programme the school ensured that beginning of Kindergarten is a happy and exciting experience for parents as well as children.


IFL  - Kuwait 2024