Spell Well Week – 2019




Event: Spell Well Week – 2019

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

Spell Well Week – 2019 ICSKINDIAN CENTRAL SCHOOL, Primary Wing conducted Spell Well Week in the second week of May to create awareness amongst students about the importance of using correct spelling while writing and using correct pronunciation while reading. The goal of spelling instruction is not temporary memorization of words but rather developing skills to represent it correctly in written language.
Teachers encouraged students to use their knowledge of phonics as well as memorizing the spelling of words presented in a weekly spelling word list. Teachers provided the children with many opportunities to use and practice the words so that they internalize and master their spellings.
Spell-Well instruction enabled positive reading ability in the children because they were able to transfer their knowledge of new words in their reading experiences. All the sections conducted Spell-Well week successfully under the guidance of Vice- Principal and Supervisor.
We extend our sincere gratitude to our respected Principal Dr. Shantha Maria James for her continuous motivation and support.


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