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Onam Celebration at Indian Central School

Indian Central School Kuwait

IFL Kuwait job news

Indian Central School teachers celebrated Teacher’s Day and Onam on the 8th of September in school premises. A fun filled nostalgic event was presented where all the teachers participated in the program. Thiruvathira, the dance form was performed by 46 teachers followed by various groups of teachers singing songs in different languages related to Teachers Day and Onam.

The vibrant ChendaMelam Team accompanied by Mahabali and the Pulikalli team rose the festival spirits high.

The Middle Management team and all teachers took the teachers oath and promise led by the Principal Dr. Shantha Maria James. Sincere present to the school management Mr & Mrs. KO Mathew and team for the presence which added glow to the event.

The program concluded with the Onam Sadhya that was served for 300plus members of the ICS family with the VIP guests.


