Science Exhibitions develop scientific attitude in the young generation of our country; it helps to inculcate the sense of pride in their talent and to promote interest in Science and Technology. ICSK Khaitan organized its Science Exhibition K-Rays 2019 on 17th October Thursday in the school premises.


The Exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Mohan Rana - a senior Research Scientist in Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. He showed keen interest in the working models and said that parents must encourage children and should enhance their creative endeavors. Mr. Azharuddin Amir Mohammed, Hon. Secretary, Board of Trustees of ICSK also graced the occasion.

The exhibits were displayed subject wise, all the teachers and students put forth their best efforts. Students exhibited working models, still models and charts on the relevant subjects. The entire campus was abuzz with energy and admiration. The auditorium was filled with exhibits of KG children. Art, Music and Dance projects were also displayed there. Models depicting seasons, houses, zoos, wealth from waste, models of musical instruments, craft work of students were elegantly and proudly displayed in the auditorium which caught the attention of all.

Pillars of Dharma, weapons of early men, Burj Khalifa, Solar Power Station and Chandrayan II were the center of attraction and enthralled the parents and the guests. They were appreciated by the visitors. Students also displayed models of- Early man and their life style, working models of Solar System, Terrestrial Ecosystem, Soil Conservation. Life style of Tribals were the main attractions of the Social Science projects. The students of class 11 Commerce utilized their whole class as a replica of a Bank, which consisted of reception, ATM counter, help desk, locker system, loan counter was very creative and attractive.


Panels of 3 judges each judged the various subjects in each category. The first winner was awarded KD 50/. A cash prize of KD 40/- was distributed to the best classes which had maximum innovative projects.

Everyone who were present at K Rays were quite impressed with the dedication and grasp of students and appreciated their endeavors in cultivating a scientific temper. The evening was livened up by the class XII students who as comperers gave lively commentaries on the events.

The Principal Mr. K.G Shirsath also acknowledged the passion and interest shown by the students through their various exhibits . He also thanked all the teachers, students and parents for making the K-Rays a grand success.




IFL  - Kuwait 2024