  • JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/hiyouth/Diwali29Oct

Sparkling Diwali


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Little Pearl and Unique Star sections of Kids International Pre School (Mangaf) celebrated Diwali on 21st October 2019 in the school premises with great fervor. The tiny tots were told about Diwali and why it is called the festival of lights.

The whole school wore a festive look with diwali lamps, diyas and colourful rangolis adorning the corridors and the assembly hall in bright colours. The tiny tots rolled out delectable ladoos as part of their diwali activity and relished them with their friends. There was also the “pop”- a -rocket activity where in the young buddies made colourful paper rockets. Well yes, this Diwali celebration our Pre School section seemed all the more special with the wonderful, well planned as well as flawlessly executed Diwali activities!!

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Students won the hearts of the audience when they presented their lively dance to depict the various reasons why “diwali” is celebrated and enthralled the audience with their graceful moves.

The message of environment conservation avoiding air pollution and noise pollution was shared by the Principal Mrs.Nilofar Qazi, Vice Principal Mrs.Gayathri Bhaskaran, Admin Manager Mrs.Najiyah Khader and team of teachers amongst a lot of intelligent queries and enthusiastic applause by the little ones. It was with an earnest intention that the promise of taking care of our Mother Earth and Nature was made by all.

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The assembly was summed up by the School Director of IISM Mr.Malayil Moosa Koya who elaborated upon the relevance and emotions behind diwali the victorious euphoria, the celebration, the joy and finally the guidance to children to not burst crackers.

As we see it, the rosy cheeks and dimpled chins resplendent in their innocent festive cheer were the true greetings for the Diwali Festival indeed. However, festivals are not only meant for celebrations. They are also an opportunity to educate kids about culture and traditions.



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