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Fitness Week observed in Bhavans SIS

Envisioned by Honorable PM of India – Shri. Narendra Modi and commissioned by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Fitness Week was observed in Bhavans Smart Indian Schooon during the second week of January 2020 with vigour and enthusiasm.


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This wonderful idea which became mandatory to be commemorated by CBSE had seen its fruitful result in the school campus. The students were the thorough benefiters in this physical fitness week. This novel observance was conducted in the Physical Education periods under the skillful guidance of the staff of Physical Education Department. This productive week of transforming ‘passive screen time’ to ‘active field time’ was organized in a meticulous and systematic way where the students were exposed to many forms of physical exercises during the week.

Day 1 of the Fitness Week had Yoga and Meditation. The students by spreading their own mats on the vast expanse of the playground floor gathered to perform this physical activity that transcended their minds and souls to the fittest mode of physical fitness. Day 2 of the week had Aerobics to make the students get energized to the moves of this activity that progresses in physical perfection. Fitness week of Day 3 provided the time on the enrichment of Sports knowledge through quiz and gaining rudimentary information on rules and regulation in sports. Day 4 had mass drill where the children were instructed to perform the tasks in unison. Sports and games took place on day 5 of the week. Middle wing of the school participated in Poster Making Competition under the title ‘Be FIT BE HAPPY’ on the 6th Day. The striking physical activities that provided to set goals and stimulate confidence collected a huge appraisal from the students as well as parents. These myriad exposure also had the students ensured about the inclusion of these beneficial modes of life in their routinary circle.

Thus the physical fitness week improved the holistic development of children and paved a way to lead a healthy lifestyle.


