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Bhavans SIS and Jack and Jill organized Safety Day

Bhavans SIS and Jack and Jill organized Safety Day

“Safety is not just a slogan, but it’s a way of life” 

Image 1 4Bhavans Smart Indian School and Jack and Jill Pre-School organized Safety Day for the Kindergarten Children on 13th October 2022. The aim was to promote and educate the children about personal safety and awareness by empowering them to recognize, react and report. Children were sensitized about the importance of Safety through animated videos and were explained how to recognize, react and report when they are unsafe or find themselves in situations that can have a significant detrimental effect on their physical or emotional well-being. Children after enjoying the videos participated in a conversation with the teacher and a peer group to share their views regarding indoor and outdoor safety. Some children even drew pictures, followed by a show-and-tell activity. The purpose of this theme was grasped by the students and they understood what measures they should take to ensure their safety as well as the people around them. 

IFL  - Kuwait 2024