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Bhavans SIS & JnJ 'KG Sports Day"

“Sports Serve society by serving vivid examples of excellence.” – George F. Will 

Image 1In recognition of the importance of sports in a child’s life Bhavans Smart Indian School and Jack and Jill Pre-School, Kuwait conducted its Annual Sports Day in November 2022. It was a fun-filled day focusing on promoting physical activity and healthy competition among the tiny tots. It provided an ideal opportunity for the kids to showcase their skillfulness in various sporting activities. The athletes came in sports attire and were very excited about the day. 

The first event was the running race for the boys and girls of KG1 and KG2. Children enthusiastically participated in a wide range of fun and exciting races which not only helped kids explore their hidden sports interests but also helped them to build their confidence and to inculcate a desire to learn new skills by watching and cheering their peers and learning valuable lessons on sportsmanship. The Kindergarten Sports day was indeed a wonderful event.