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IES Observes Anti-Corruption Day

IES Observes Anti-Corruption Day

Power never corrupts people but it is the fear of losing power that makes them corrupt

1 2Indian Education School believes that anti-corruption training and moral education should be imparted to the young generation during their formative years. Being the future citizens, the young minds are fundamental to the fight against corruption in the long run.  With a strong resistance to corruption and ethical challenges, Anti-corruption day was observed at Indian Education School, Kuwait on Thursday, 8 December 2022. The Department of Social Science organized the event under the guidance of the Head of the Department Ms. Hajira Banu. The programme was meticulously coordinated by Ms. Sujatha Jaishankar.

A plethora of activities pertaining to the stumbling blocks of corruption were organized for the students of grades 5 to 9. Drawing and painting activities on the topic ‘Anti-corruption’ was conducted for the students of grade 5.  Grade 6 students had a storytelling activity on the topic ‘Fighting Corruption’.  Seventh graders wrote stories on ‘Corruption and Integrity’.  Essay writing activity on the topic ‘Corruption - a problem in public administration’ was done by the students of grade 8.  Ninth graders had a debate on ‘Corruption- the major cause of a country’s failure’. During zero period, the Social Science teachers in the respective classes organized the formation of human chain in the corridors of the school, and Anti-corruption pledge was administered by the students.

The students assiduously participated in the enlightening event conducted to create awareness on corruption. Various thought -provoking activities instilled positive values in the young learners. Principal, Mr T Premkumar, Vice Principals Mrs Meenakshi Nayyar and Mr. Binoy Mathew acknowledged the relentless effort of the department of Social Science in organizing the awareness programme and appreciated the active participation of the students.