ICSK Khaitan celebrates National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait!

ICSK Khaitan celebrates National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait!

a 11zonKuwait’s 62nd National Day and 32nd Liberation Day was celebrated in all its flavour and zeal on Thursday, 23rd February in The Indian Community School campus, Khaitan. The school was beautifully decorated in the four colours of the Kuwait flag. It is that time of the year when we soak up in the spirit of pride and honour towards our foster land- Kuwait.

The celebrations started with the special morning assembly conducted by the students, which was hosted in English and Arabic, creating the perfect ambience of the occasion. The songs and speech dedicated to the special day set the mind and mood for the day.

The school Principal, Mr. Gangadhar Shirsath presided over the assembly and enlightened the students with the greatness of Kuwait and stressed the importance of learning Arabic with passion. Later in the day, a rally was flagged off by the principal from the entrance of the school, went around the school and culminated at the principal’s office. The rally and the slogans expressed the love and gratitude to this great nation. The band and music added joy to the festivities. Celebrating patriotic days of this great nation gives us an opportunity to express our gratitude and stand in solidarity with the people of the land we live with. As a part of this celebration, to add up enthusiasm, students were encouraged to bring Kuwaiti cuisines in their tiffins. Today was a day to express loyalty, love and support to the foster country in different ways.

We wish everyone a happy National and Liberation Day.

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