Grade 10 – Wholeness Week at Smart Indian School, Kuwait

Grade 10 – Wholeness Week at Smart Indian School, Kuwait

IMG 9851The wholeness week for grade 10 ensued the Hala February holidays from 5th   to 9th March 2023 and consisted of many activities and student-teacher interaction. 

On the first day, the students of grade 10 were greeted fondly by the teachers and the students of grades 7 and 8. They were given candles and walked with pride to their new classes holding onto the lighted candles. The students and the teachers recited prayers and got adjusted to the new classroom. The day was filled with fun activities and games requiring synergy. 

The second successive day was filled with student-teacher interactions where they got to know each other in depth. A survey with over 90 questions was conducted in which the students voluntarily took part.  

The following day, diagnostic tests were organised to check the students’ baseline knowledge. There was a lot of excitement and joy in the atmosphere when it was announced that the long-awaited talent show would be hosted the next day. 

The much-awaited day was the 8th of March 2023, Talent Hunt Day.  

“Children prosper best with a broad curriculum that celebrates their various talents, not just a small range of them”. Every artist was first an amateur. Talent makes you excel in a task more than someone else. If you are naturally good at something, you have the talent for it. Talent Hunt is an event that gives students a platform to represent their concealed talents in any field. 

The youth of the present generation have an ocean of hidden talents, which was displayed by the grade 10 students of Smart Indian School on 8th March 2023 at the ‘Talent Hunt’ in the school auditorium. Vice Principal Mrs. Daisy Albin and Subject teachers of grade 10 were the day’s audiences. The event began with a short and sweet welcome from the class teacher, Mrs. Beena Krishnan. The emcees of the day, Zahra Yusuf and Aadhil Saadhik, welcomed all students. The students showcased several musical talents, from singing melodious songs to playing beautiful pieces on the piano. The atmosphere was filled with zeal when the dancers showcased their graceful and energetic performances. Students staged their unique physical abilities by exhibiting advanced planks, special football tricks and their balancing skills by bouncing a tennis ball with a tennis racket while moving around on segways and roller skates. The skit and the stand-up comedy by the students put the crowd into roars of laughter. The aroma of delicious food filled the air when ‘fireless cooking’ was displayed. Beautiful art pieces were created in just a matter of minutes on stage. It ranged from calligraphy to watercolor painting. The students staged spectacular performances in colourful attires using fascinating props and backdrops, making all teachers and peers spellbound. Principal Mr. Mahesh Iyer congratulated the grade 10 students for their effort. The program ended with a photo session and words of appreciation from the Vice Principal, Mrs. Albin Daisy.  

In conclusion, the first week was boisterous and lively, and it helped relieve much stress. It also allowed the students and teachers to get to know each other better.  

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