‘Induction Day 2023 - 2024’ at Bhavans Smart - a school’s commitment to support new employees

‘Induction Day 2023 - 2024’ at Bhavans Smart - a school’s commitment to support new employees

WhatsApp Image 2023 03 28 at 10.47.46 PM 2 11zonBefore the school year began, the priority for supporting the new recruits to the job as teachers, the induction day at SIS was well organised on March 28 in the school’s multipurpose hall by the Senior Leadership Team consisting of tasks like Induction forms filling, IT support, Buddy Teachers Introduction and Exclusive Interview with the Administrative Manager, School Campus Tour etc. 

The new teachers were delightfully welcomed to the extended Bhavans Parivar by the Principal Mr. Mahesh Iyer and got introduced to the key staff of the school: Vice Principal Ms. Albin Daisy, Admin Manager Ms. Amira Bendary, Academic coordinators Mr. Santhosh & Ms. Thushara etc. The IT support headed by Ms. Ramya Srinivasan had details on the Bhavans ETH Portal through a power point presentation and with hands on experience of working with the Learning Management System. It provided them with the adequate knowledge and training to perform their duties effectively. 

The teachers were then given an orientation about the school’s different policies and procedures as well as the expectation of their roles. A large emphasis was laid on the leave policy and school induction policy by the Vice Principal Ms. Albin Daisy. The Induction formats ranged details from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in the Middle East to classroom management at SIS.  The Vice Principal also provided a clear understanding of the school’s vision, mission, values and goals. The School Counselor, Head of the Departments and Coordinators had also roles to explain to the newcomers to the Institution. 

As part of the task, the buddy teacher for each staff was introduced who will be the mentor for the starting months and whenever and wherever the support needed throughout the year. 

The Senior Leadership Team had an interaction with the teachers to make them feel at home and they were taken on school tour by the Admin Manager. Thus, the new teachers were helped to understand the school’s culture, values and expectations. They felt valued and supported as they began their employment at the school. 

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