Educational Trip for Students at Bhavans Smart

Educational Trip for Students at Bhavans Smart

WhatsApp Image 2023 09 01 atThe students and teachers of Smart Indian School, Kuwait set off on a journey on Monday 28th August, 2023 to Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre in Salmiya. We arrived there at 10:00 AM with the plan to visit the immersive environments, large-scale models and compelling interactivity across all four museums. 

The objectives of the trip was to think, grow, learn, wonder, and feel the culture, science, and attractions development that the Cultural Innovations team had curated.  

We were escorted by guides who occasionally explained in detail the leading-edge technology and  the exciting range of attractions that followed. After an hour of enthrallment, the mass consisting of high school students and teachers settled in Starbucks that was present within the centre. After 20 minutes the crowd’s energy was replenished and the tour resumed. Starting from the Space museum followed by the Science and Technology museum, We finally strided through the Natural History museum. The conduciveness of the environment of the museums helped us learn more about the cultural and scientific significance of a plethora of things. 

Our trip winded up at 1: 30 PM. It can be concluded that the trip was successful and we believe that our objective was achieved. We learned something new and beneficial for us. It was a well recommended trip by the student council, especially for the senior students who were introduced to many new job oppurtunities and different ways to make income. 

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IFL  - Kuwait 2024