INDIAN EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL NEWS - Session on Understanding Diversity in Children

Session on Understanding Diversity in Children 

453A0608To provide parents with effective tools and strategies to promote healthy child development, build strong parent-child relationships, and foster a positive home environment, a session on ‘Understanding Diversity in Children’ was conducted under the aegis of the Department of Psychology in the IES auditorium on September 30th, 2023, at 10 am. Teachers and parents from the three schools of Bhavans Kuwait attended the session. Mr. T.  Premkumar, principal of IES, welcomed the resource person and the gathering with a bouquet of cordiality. In his address he spoke about the importance of recognising diversity and how understanding diversity in children is crucial for promoting inclusivity, empathy, and a sense of belonging among children. 

Dr. Mini Kurian was the resource person for the session. Dr. Kurian is a special educator, counsellor, researcher, and trainer. She is the chairperson of Centre for Autism India (CAI) and heads the Special School- ‘Sparsham’: School for the Differently Abled. Her credentials include Doctorate in psychology, MA, M.Phil in Sociology and M.Sc. Psychology (UK). She is a specialist trainer in Autism and other disabilities, (TEACCH Structured training for children with Autism’ from North Carolina, USA, ABA, and PORTAGE program). ‘Autism: Myths and Facts’ and ‘A for Autism’ are handbooks authored by her dedicated to all the parents, caretakers, and professionals in the field.  

Dr.Mini Kurian started her session by highlighting what parenting meant and the different styles of parenting – Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved, touching upon aspects related to each of the parenting styles. She emphasized that positive parenting is a continuous journey that requires patience, adaptability, and ongoing self-reflection and by adopting these principles and strategies, parents and teachers can create an environment where children thrive emotionally, socially, and academically. However, she said that it is important to note that these styles are not rigid categories, and many parents exhibit a combination of these styles depending on the situation. She added that cultural, societal, and individual factors can influence parenting styles. The most effective parenting style, she elaborated, tends to be authoritative, as it combines clear expectations with warmth and responsiveness. This style promotes a healthy balance between discipline and emotional support. 

She spoke on developing parental strategies to support children that included the three Cs: Care, which focussed on emotional nurturing and attachment and the sense of connection, Consistency, and Communication. This also included the importance of food habits, proper sleep rituals and bedtime debriefing. 

The influence of the ‘negative inbuilt bias’ which makes us prone to give importance only to negative experiences or interactions was well explained by the resource person. She stressed on the need to shift from negative to positive messages and have calm conversations with children. 

Dr. Mini Kurian imparted information on ‘Neurodiversity’ - the term used for people whose brain functions differently in one or more ways, The understanding that the working of the brains varies from person to person were explained and she briefly mentioned the difference between neurotypical and neurodivergent. Types of neurodiversity such as ADHD, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder with related characteristics and symptoms such as hyperactivity, avoiding eye contact, sensory issues, impulsive behaviour, auditory processing difficulties, selective attention, resistance to change in routines, stereotypical behaviour, echolalia etc. were described for the benefit of the audience. 

The various stages of emotions parents undergo on knowing their child is neurodivergent -such as denial, rationalisation, fear, and anger before the acceptance of the diagnosis were well explained. The importance of earlier acceptance and early intervention for the child’s progress was elucidated. 

The interactive session, allowed participants to share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in activities and discussions. Citing real life examples, case studies and videos kept the teachers and parents engaged throughout the session. The importance of having a safe environment, consistency and regular practice of methods used for improving learning outcomes were emphasised. Different types of therapies such as speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and applied behaviour analysis which would help in development of the child’s functional skills were well explained by the resource person. Various life skill activities were shown to the parents and teachers. Dr. Kurian also demonstrated the use of multisensory resources prepared by her which would help children develop self-efficacy. 

The profound impact of digital technology and its negative effect on the neurochemistry, especially in children were reiterated by the resource person. The stunt in growth seen in executive brain functions and social skills owing to this is more pronounced in children. Effects of gadget addiction such as ocular lock, language delay, increase in aggression and tantrums, impaired academic performance explained emphatically by the doctor were eyeopeners for the parents and teachers. 

Tips on ‘Parent do’s and don’ts’ which included removing gadgets out of the vicinity of children, not eating in front of screens, following the 20-20-20 rule to avoid eye strain (taking a 20 second break to view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes), reducing tantrums with change of environment and preparation of activities that keep them engaged, implementing schedules and regular practice of activities to help with learning problems were expounded by Dr.Mini Kurian. The queries raised by parents and teachers were succinctly answered by Dr. Mini Kurian.  

The vote of thanks was proposed by the headmistress, Ms.Muneera Mammikutty. She hailed the magnanimity of Dr. Kurian’s noble endeavours. A beautiful work of art meticulously crafted by our Art Sir, Mr. Prasanthan depicting the importance of parents in nurturing their young ones to grow and progress, was presented to the resource person by the Principal Mr. T Premkumar. The parents and teachers were deeply indebted for the enriching session on understanding challenges in children and the importance of creating a conducive environment for them to thrive and contribute their unique abilities. 

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