INDIAN EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL NEWS - Session on ‘ Know your Body ’

INDIAN EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL NEWS - Session on ‘ Know your Body ’

WhatsApp Image 2023 12 12 at 7.09.04 AM 2 11zonAs part of life skills education, the Psychology Department of IES arranged ‘Know Your Body’ sessions for KG to Grade 4 to educate and empower young children with knowledge and awareness regarding appropriate and inappropriate physical contact. The sessions aimed to teach children to distinguish between safe and unsafe touches, promoting their personal safety and well-being. 

The ‘Know Your Body’ sessions were conducted by aspiring psychologists and former students of IES, Ms. Elaine Elsa Siby and Ms. Devinandhana Prasanth Kumar under the guidance of Headmistress, Ms. Muneera Mammikutty, and school counsellor, Ms. Preethi Nair. The sessions were age-appropriate, interactive, and designed to engage children in a manner that was both informative and sensitive to their developmental stage. 

The sessions began with friendly and welcoming introduction, setting a positive tone. The facilitators established trust and a comfortable environment, ensuring that children felt secure and encouraged to participate. Children were taught about their own bodies, emphasizing the concept of private parts. The importance of respecting one's own body and recognizing that certain parts are private was explained in simple language suitable for children’s comprehension. Clear definitions of good touch and bad touch were provided. Good touch, such as hugs from family members or a pat on the back from a teacher, was explained as positive and comforting. Bad touch, on the other hand, was defined as any touch that makes a child feel uncomfortable, scared, or confused. 

To make the learning experience engaging, various interactive activities were incorporated through videos and illustrations which students could relate to. Ms. Devinandhana explained what a touch is and the feelings they evoke, following which students were asked of their understanding of private parts which was described as areas covered by their swimsuits and was not okey for anyone to see or touch them. They were taught about parts of the body which were safe and unsafe to touch. The feelings of being scared, uncomfortable or hurt which are associated with unsafe touches were explained to children with the help of suitable cartoon characters and various examples. The sessions conducted for Grades 1 to 4 by Ms. Elaine also highlighted on topics such as body shaming, personal hygiene, appropriate attire etc. She explained that their bodies belonged to them and no one, not even a friend or family member had the right to see or touch them without their approval or in a way that made them feel uncomfortable or ashamed. The sessions emphasized the importance of open communication. Children were taught simple phrases to express discomfort or seek help, fostering their ability to communicate effectively in challenging situations. 

Both the speakers reiterated the need to be assertive by saying a NO in situations that make them feel uncomfortable, going away from the uncomfortable situation. Children were encouraged to identify and trust specific adults, such as parents, teachers, or school staff, whom they could approach and confide in if they ever felt uncomfortable or unsafe. The sessions were followed by a video which helped in sensitising the children on the appropriate action to be taken when they felt threatened or unsafe.  

The headmistress, Ms. Muneera Mammikutty, explained the relevance of knowing one’s body and protecting oneself against all forms of unsafe touches. She also enlightened the little ones that it was important to disclose any inappropriate acts that can happen to them, to adults they can trust which includes teachers, parents,  and other members of family .  The ‘Know Your Body’ sessions in the kindergarten and primary classes were successful in imparting crucial information about personal safety and boundaries. The children demonstrated engagement and understanding, and the sessions provided a foundation for ongoing conversations about safety and well-being.

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