INDIAN EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL NEWS - Fit India Freedom Week Celebration at IES Bhavans Kuwait

INDIAN EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL NEWS - Fit India Freedom Week Celebration at IES Bhavans Kuwait

Let fitness be the first priority – to survive and succeed." 

Fit India Freedom Week Celebration at IES Bhavans Kuwait  

WhatsApp Image 2024 01 22 at 7.24.39 AM 2 11zonThe Fit India Freedom Week Celebration at Indian Educational School, Bhavans Kuwait, aimed to promote a healthy and active lifestyle among students and staff members. In alignment with the Fit India Freedom Movement initiated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the week-long event, held from January 3, 2024 to January 11, 2024, featured a variety of activities and initiatives to encourage physical fitness, mental well-being, teamwork and overall health awareness. 

Highlights of Fit India Freedom Week: 

1. Cardio Challenge (03-01-2024): 

2. Breathing Exercises (04-01-2024): 

3. Mass Drill (07-01-2024): 

4. Poster Making Competition (08-01-2024): 

5. Online Sports Quiz (09-01-2024): 

6. Eye Exercises (10-01-2024): 

7. Aerobics (11-01-2024): 

The Physical Education Department at IES believes that a strong emphasis on physical fitness not only contributes to students' overall health but also enhances academic performance, concentration, and mental well-being. The active participation and support from parents further fueled the success of this initiative, reinforcing the school's commitment to nurturing a generation of healthy, active, and well-balanced individuals. 

The Fitness Week Celebration was a resounding success, fostering a culture of health and well-being within the school community. The diverse range of activities ensured that every student could find a way to participate and contribute to the overall goal of promoting a healthier lifestyle. The positive impact of this initiative is expected to resonate beyond the week, influencing long-term habits and attitudes toward fitness among students and staff. 

As the curtain falls on the Fit India Freedom Week, Bhavans IES continues to uphold the motto, "Let fitness be the first priority – to survive and succeed," setting the stage for a year of well-rounded education and physical well-being. 

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