INDIAN EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL - Empowering Leaders: IES Hosts Its Prestigious Investiture 2024
Empowering Leaders: IES Hosts Its Prestigious Investiture 2024
Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else—through hard work."
Indian Educational School Bhavans, Kuwait, held its investiture ceremony for the academic session 2024-2025 with grandeur in the school auditorium on May 20, 2024. Nineteen elected students were bestowed with the insignia of authority and power as they assumed roles as members of the Student Parliament for the new session. Shri Baija Nath Prasad, the Second Secretary of Education at the Embassy of India in Kuwait, graced the occasion as the chief guest.
The Chief Guest received a reverential salute and a guard of honour by the cadets of the Bhavans Service Scheme and the members of the Student Parliament and was ceremoniously welcomed to the auditorium by Mr. N.K Ramachandran Menon, Chairman, Bhavans Middle East, Mr. Anand Victor, Principal, Indian Educational School, Mr. Mahesh Iyer, Principal, Smart Indian School, Mrs. Anselma Tessy Judeson, Senior Vice Principal, Bhavans Kuwait, Mr. Santhosh Chungath, Academic Coordinator Bhavans Kuwait, Mrs. Meenakshi Nayyar, and Mr. Binoy Mathew, Vice Principals of IES, Mrs. Muneera Mammikutty, Headmistress of IES, Mrs. Albin Daisy, Vice Principal of SIS, and Mrs. Bhavitha Bright Vice Principal, SIS (Cambridge Wing), and Ms. Ameera Bandari, Administrative Manager Bhavans Kuwait.
The investiture ceremony of the academic year 2024-2025 unfurled at 9.40 a.m. with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran by Abdul Hadi of 10D followed by the singing of the Kuwait National Anthem and prayer song by the school choir. Preceding the conferral ceremony, a short video of the glorious snippets of yesteryears was screened, highlighting the longstanding excellence of IES, Kuwait. Nakshatra Neeraja Binu (12C), the former Minister of Education of the Student Parliament delivered the welcome speech. The ceremony was attended by the members of the Bhavans Family comprising the teachers, BSS cadets and the parents of the members of the Student Parliament.
The chief guest for the day, Shri Baija Nath Prasad, in his address, reminded the new elected members of the student parliament about the challenges they would encounter in real life, emphasizing that schools now serve as the primary training ground for a technologically advanced generation. He underscored the significance of acknowledging and comprehending the issues confronted by grassroot communities, and he encouraged finding solutions to improve the world's liveability. He concluded by extending his best wishes to all the budding leaders, reminding them of their entrusted responsibility in shaping the future.
The chief guest along with the senior leadership team bespangled the proud Bhavanites with their insignia – badges, sashes, and flags while the school auditorium throbbed with thunderous applause. The oath of allegiance for the newly selected student parliament was administered by the head of the institution, Mr. Anand Victor. The young and dynamic leaders with an unfaltering sense of responsibility swore in by taking the oath of office.
Senior Vice President of the Student parliament, 2023-24, Fida Ancy reminded the gravity of responsibilities waiting ahead for the budding leaders and handed over the charge to the new student parliament. Donning the mantle of accountability, the new heads of the Supreme Council, Anaswara Babu Prasad (11C) and Abdullah Usman Latif (11 B), delivered their acceptance speeches, infused with devotion to the institution and duteousness toward the student community of IES.
The newly elected members of the student parliament of IES are as follow:
- Vice President (Boy) Abdullah Usman Latif
- Vice President (Girl) Anaswara Babuprasad
- Prime Minister (Boy) Dhvanit Rahul Bhatti
- Prime Minister (Girl) Malavika Happey
- Deputy Prime Minister (Boy) Ferris Sumit Bhalodia
- Deputy Prime Minister (Girl) Anaya Dikshit
- Minister of Cultural Affairs (Boy) Ryan P. Laiju
- Minister of Cultural Affairs (Girl) Dharshini Prateesh Kumar
- Minister of Sports (Boy) Sarvesh Sargunam
- Minister of Sports (Girl) Sumitra Murugaiyan
- Minister of Technology Shivesh Velmurugan
- Minister of Education Akshitha Rajesh
- Minister of Information Isabella Suzanne Dereck
- Minister of State for Sports Jeevanth Sargunam
- Minister of State for Cultural Affairs Johan Thomas
- Sanskriti House Captain Elson Basil
- Satya House Captain Allister Monis
- Seva House Captain Rishith Sajimon
- Tapas House Captain Hariprasanth Ramaswamy
A segment featuring members of the former student council extending warm wishes and support to the newly elected council for the academic year 2024-25 was presented. Chairman, Bhavans Middle East, Mr NK Ramachandran Menon, along with Mr. Anand Victor, Principal IES, Mr Mahesh Iyer, Principal SIS and Bhavitha Bright, Vice Principal, Cambridge Wing, honoured the cadets of Bhavans Service Scheme by awarding them certificates of excellence for their exemptional service in the year 2023-2024.
Additionally, the following students were awarded mementoes in recognition of their outstanding performances in various fields.
- Roshan Arya Adhikesavalu (12A), Neha Susan Biju (11D), Karthik Asok Kumar Ayinikkal (10G), and Esha Fathima Shabeer Puzhikuth (9E) for their achievements in the 25th National Badminton Championship-2023 held at Jhunjhunu Academy in Rajasthan.
- Kaavya Rahul Zade (6E) for her participation in the 25th CBSE National Swimming Competition 2023 held at Rishikul Vidyapeeth, Sonepat in India.
- Tia Rachel George (12 A) for her performance in the 25th CBSE National Athletic Meet-2023 held at N.H.Goel World School, Raipur in India.
- In the IES Grandmaster 2023, title winners included Joshwin Parappallymattathil Subin (9A) in the Junior Category, Nethan Varghese Thomas (6A) in the Sub-Junior Category, Ayaan Harish (4A) among the Cadets, and Shaswat Balaji Ashok Kumar (2C) in the Kiddies category.
Principal Mr. Anand Victor extolled Dr. Murugaiyan, Head of the Physical Education Department, and his team for their tireless dedication in orchestrating the Investiture, making it a resounding success. Thrishanth Arunan, Vice President of the Student Parliament for the term 2023-2024, delivered the vote of thanks. The emcees of the event were Sofia Parvez Sheliya from 11B and Roshni Soni Kumar from 11C. The event concluded gracefully with the rendition of the Indian National Anthem, marking the end of a memorable day. Following the proceedings, dignitaries and office bearers were invited to convene for a group photograph, symbolizing the collective memories forged during this momentous event.