CBSE Gulf Sahodaya Organizes a Fond Farewell Recognizing Sr. Christy Maria's Educational Leadership

Kuwait Chapter, CBSE Gulf Sahodaya Organizes a Fond Farewell Recognizing Sr. Christy Maria's Educational Leadership

8The Kuwait Chapter Principals bid a heartfelt farewell to the esteemed educator, Sr. Christy Maria, marking the end of her illustrious tenure as the Principal of Carmel School, Kuwait. The farewell ceremony held at the Indian Community School, Senior on the 13th of May, 2024, served as a poignant tribute to Sr. Christy Maria's remarkable contributions to the realm of education and her influential stewardship at Carmel School and within the Principals' fraternity at large. Commencing with an Islamic Prayer to invoke divine blessings, the gathering then paid homage to the national anthems of both Kuwait and India.

Ms. Sabahat Khan, Convenor of CBSE Gulf Sahodaya, Kuwait Chapter expressed her sentiments on bidding adieu to a figure who has significantly shaped countless lives and careers. She warmly welcomed the assembly and introduced the new Principal, Sr. Saritha Monterio to the Kuwait Chapter.

The highlight of the event was a short video presenting a kaleidoscopic view of Sr. Christy Maria's illustrious journey, emphasizing her vast expertise and extensive experience in the educational domain. The ceremonial cutting of the cake provided a nostalgic moment for leaders to reminisce about their shared experiences and camaraderie in pursuit of common goals.

Additionally, the event featured the felicitation of the Executive and Chapter committee members of CBSE Gulf Sahodaya, Kuwait Chapter 2023-24, for their steadfast support and dedication towards achieving collective objectives. The esteemed members, including Mr. Ravi Ayanoli (Chairman), Dr. Prashant Vasudev (Treasurer), Mrs. Annamma Cherian Lucy, Mr. Anand Victor, Mr. Anoop Kumar Sharma, Dr. Achuthan Madhav, Fr. Lionel Braganza, SDB, Dr. Anis Ahmad, Mrs. Asha Sharma, Ms. Geetika Ahuja, and Mrs. Tasneem Billa, were acknowledged with tokens of appreciation.

Sr. Christy Maria, in her address, warmly reminisced about her interactions with each member of the Kuwait Chapter, expressing gratitude for the thoughtful farewell and the Principals' unwavering support throughout her tenure. Dr. V. Binumon lauded Sr. Christy Maria's dedication and efforts, particularly highlighting her pivotal role in enhancing collaboration among Principals and promoting educational excellence. He also commended Sr. Christy Maria for her commitment to teaching, her leadership strategy and for being an inspiration to teachers and students alike.

The event culminated with Principal of The Indian Community School, Dr. V. Binumon, extending a heartfelt vote of thanks, bringing a fitting close to a day filled with a myriad of emotions. A joyful photo session and a delectable dinner provided the perfect conclusion to this memorable occasion.

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IFL  - Kuwait 2024