Poojavarshini Raja...Born to Dance..!

Pooja Varshini  Raja -    Born to Dance !!!


I still remember the day when Pooja’s mother brought her to my dance class for the first time .  Pooja has just joined LKG then !! ”,  says Mrs.Mythili, Pooja’s first classical Dance teacher.  ”In most such cases, the initial enthusiasm on the part of the Parents or the Child would wane and not many would continue on the long road of learning to reach the pinnacle of perfecting their dancing talents.  But Pooja continues her dance classes even now.”, comments Mrs.Mythili in an appreciative tone.

Pooja Varshini is the daughter of Raja Ganapathy and Mahalakshmi residing at kuwait.  As her father was on a job with frequent transfers, Pooja , who is 12 years old,  has already lived in four cities and has studied in five schools so far.  Whenever they shifted to a new city , the two thing her parents search for are a school and a dance teacher for her.   Pooja is a charming girl with pleasant social manners and will easily adopt to her new surroundings to continue with her passion for learning dancing.  When she leaves the city, her dance teacher would tell her mother to “Keep her dancing”.!!

Pooja is an excellent learner and becomes the favorite and star student in her dance classes.  Her present dance teacher Mrs. Rajee Bharane  wrote in a mail to her mother ” Nobody can perform such dance like this after a practice of just two days;  God will bless her with a bright future for her hard work” .  Even when on her annual vacation,  Pooja always manages to attend local dance classes.  She has attended dance classes at Pondicherry and was the pet student of the dance teacher, ‘ Kalaimaamani’ Mrs. Hemamalini !!!

As ‘practice makes perfect’, she  never hesitates to participates in any of the dance events in the schools and other functions.  Her dances are admired by all her friends and relatives.  Whenever there is a family function and she is present, her dance performance will be the highlight of the function !!! 

She renders a Bharatham performance every year at the temple at her father’s native place.  The event is such a popular one that local people await her annual holiday visit to the village with huge anticipation.  Many even keep on inquiring about the dates of her visit with her grand-parents in the village !!!

Pooja’s dances are very much popular in Kuwait and she has enthralled Kuwait NRIs with many scintillating stage performances for various associations including Tamil Nadu Engineer’s Forum,  Kuwait Tamil Sangam, Frontliners, Chinmaya Group.  Some of her dance performances have been put on Youtube also.

Pooja loves classical dance “bharatham” and she is proficient in western and folk styles also.  She is planning to learn Kathak and Odyssey also. In addition to her natural flair for dancing, she has excellent imagination and aesthetic sense.  Even at such a young age, she has already started choreographing songs whenever she is performing as a group with her friends and the stage presentation of her group dances have been lauded by the audience. One of the such one was  recently held Chinmaya’s function.

With her natural charm and the excellent rapport she can develop with the spectators, Pooja has been successful in her role as the Master of Ceremony for some  events.  Her compeering for the recent program  by Kuwait Tamil Sangam was lively and praises were heaped on her by the distinguished guests at the function.  As a further proof or her artistic brilliance, Pooja is a versatile singer and is interested in drawing also. 

Pooja’s  “Bharathanatya Arangetram”  will be  soon held and her parents are preparing to do it as an impressive function.   Everyone is unanimous in the opinion that she should continue her learning to become a dancer.  But Pooja wants to become a Doctor also.  “Why can’t I be both a dancer and doctor like Srinithi Karthi Chidambaram?”, demands the charming Pooja.  Indeed, it may not be difficult at all for her to shine in two professions at the same time.  She is an intelligent and gifted student and already is among the  toppers  in her class.  Adding academic brilliance to her artistic brilliance will come naturally for her.

Incidentally, while reading the above accomplishments of Pooja,  you are sure to have forgotten that she is just twelve years old !!!  She has already set such a blazing track record befitting a budding star.  With divine blessings and unstinting efforts on her part, Pooja is all set to dazzle the world with many more sparkling performances in the years to come.  Keep your eyes open to enjoy them !!!

-- by  Proud Parents

IFL  - Kuwait 2024