The Indian Community School Kuwait Trumps with the CBSE Award of Excellence-2019

The Indian Community School Kuwait Trumps with the CBSE Award of Excellence-2019

Excellence is not being the best but doing your best.

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On the 31st of January 2019, the Indian Community School Kuwait (Senior) campus was abuzz with vibrant jubilation to celebrate award of excellence ceremony for the meritorious students. The school again set new standards of excellence. Bringing laurels to the institution, the students of classes X and XII of 2017 and 2018 batches were felicitated for the following categories: CBSE Gulf Council Awards (2017 & 2108), ICSK Toppers (2018), 100% Achievers (2018), CBSE Award of 0.1% Certificate (2018), ICSK Subject Toppers, A1 grade Achievers.

The ceremony was dazzling with the presence of star dignitaries, Chief guest, Dr. Radhakrishna Panicker, an eminent Consultant Pulmonologist, Al Rashed Allergy Hospital, Kuwait, Members of Board of Trustees ICSK – Mr. Shaik Abdul Rahiman (Chairman), Mr. Amer Mohamad (Hon’ Secretary), Principals and Vice-Principals of ICSK Branch Schools.

The ceremony commenced with the verses of Holy Quran by Master Mohammed Ameen. Swaranjali, School choir, recited the prayer song. To pay homage to the countries, audience stood up to the Kuwait and Indian National Anthem. Dr. V. Binumon, Principal and Senior Administrator ICSK delivered the welcome address to the august gathering. He appreciated the students for achieving brilliant and scintillating results. Dr. V. Binumon complemented the parents for their 24x7 dedication towards their children. The welcome song presented by the school choir, Swaranjali mesmerized the audience. The Inaugural Lamp was lit up by the Chief Guest for the occasion, Dr. Radhakrishna Panicker. He was presented a memento by Mr. Shaik Abdul Rahiman, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Indian Community School Kuwait.

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The Chief Guest awarded mementos to meritorious students on behalf of the CBSE Gulf Council. The awards were presented to brilliant students of Class XII (2018), Miss Abimathi Ananth, Master Karthikeyan Suresh, Miss Nitya Kapoor, Miss Gayathri Nair, Miss Batul Husaini Daliwala, Master John Daniel, Miss Alefiya, Miss Sneha Sridharan, Class XII (2017), Miss Vineeta Rabecca Jacod, Master Alamelu Indira, Master Alex Johnson, Master David Mathew and Master Gautham Prakash of Class X (2018). He also gave away mementos for ‘CBSE 0.1% awards’ to outstanding students, Master Gautam Prakash , Master Alvin Manoj Alex, Master Dheeraj Ramesh,  Master Hussain Mustafa Shafique , Miss Sandra Shajan, Miss Aiswarya Harigopal, Miss Joshna Trissa Raju, Miss Amani Anwar Husen, Miss Kadari, Miss Jessica Henry Serrao, Master Timothy Thomas George, Miss Deena Elsa George of Class X (2018) and Master Karthikeyan Suresh, Master Nilay Praful Kumar Thummar, Master John Daniel Payyanickal, Miss Mereeba Ann Thomas of Class XII (2018).

Mrs. Sherly Dennis, Principal, ICSK (Junior), Mr. K. Gangadhar Shrishath, ICSK (Khaitan), Mr. Rajesh Nair ( Khaitan), Mr. Shaik Abdul Rahiman, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Mr. Amer Mohammed (Hon’ Secretary BOT) presented mementos to Classes XII and X (2018) to thirteen ‘Toppers’ for Class XII and four for Class X , two ‘Centum Scorers’ for Class XII and ten for Class X and twenty three ‘Subject Toppers’ for Class XII and fifteen for Class X. Certificates were awarded to sixty nine ‘A1 grade achievers’ for Class XII and eighty eight for Class X.

Dr. Navjot Kaur, HOD- Department of Psychology and Chief Coordinator of the programme thanked the Chief Guest, Members of the Board of Trustees, Principals & Vice-Principals- ICSK (Branch Schools), Deputy Vice-Principal- ICSK (Senior), parents and students, teaching and non-teaching staff of ICSK for their tireless efforts and contributions in this award ceremony.


IFL  - Kuwait 2025