Low-Fat Cream Cheese

  Low-Fat Cream Cheese    

1 ltr low fat milk
1 tsp citric acid (nimbu ka phool)
1/2 cup warm water

Put the milk to boil in a thick bottomed pan.
When it comes to a boil, remove from the flame and keep aside for a few minutes.
In another bowl, mix the citric acid crystals with the warm water.
Pour this mixture into the hot milk and allow it to stand for about 5 minutes till the milk curdles on its own. Stir gently if required.
Strain this mixture using a muslin cloth, leaving some of the whey in the curdled mixture.
Blend the drained milk solids in a food processor till it is thick and creamy.
Use as required

If the drained whey is milky, boil it once more and strain the separated milk solids.
You can also use 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice instead of the citric acid crystals.
