Answers to some questions that are on your mind


 What to do now?

You have done everything within your power. On the last day, keep attempting questions from the source you have been using so far. In order to evaluate your current preparedness, attempt the previous year’s papers or join a short contact programme for a crash course. This will help you quickly revise all topics in a competitive environment. Additionally, take up mock tests online and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Try and relax by reading newspaper/ magazines, etc. Stay healthy as this also contributes towards your performance.

The competition is stiff. Can I make it?

The competition is stiff for everybody. Whether you will make it or not cannot be predicted. What you should be thinking at this time is not whether you will make it or not but how to give your best with the preparation you have done.

What if the paper is tough?

The important issue is to always maximise your performance. This means, irrespective of the nature of the paper, you must do all those questions whose answers you know. If you do that you don’t have to worry, because the paper is tough for everybody.

If the pattern changes what do I do?

All the information about the nature of the paper, which has been revealed before, will remain unchanged. In spite of this, be prepared for some changes. This means expect changes to happen. Your strategy and related things need not change.

There are a couple of things that I had not done properly. Shall I do them now?

No! Don’t do anything now that you have not done in the last one or two years. Just answer some questions or revise formulae, scientific names, etc. that you have done before.

My friends know more than me. How do I stand the chance of succeeding among them?

Selection in any entrance exam is based on 50 per cent on your knowledge, analytical base and memory while the other 50 per cent is being able to do all you can do in the exam. Talent is important; converting talent into result is vital. You can’t control your friend’s performance. But you can certainly control yours. If you do your best you won’t have anything to complain about.

Is there anything else to keep in mind on the eve of the exam?

Don’t stay awake late in to the night. Be in bed by 10 p.m. and make this a habit at least 30 days before the exam. Have a light dinner. You may not be able to fall asleep immediately. It is OK. Don’t wake up too early. The exam starts at 9:00 a.m. Reach the centre at least 45 minutes before the exam. Plan the amount of time it will take to reach there. Give some time for car/bus breakdown, etc.

Have a light breakfast. Don’t go to the exam on an empty stomach or a full stomach. Remember to carry your admit card, blue or black ballpoint pens, pencils, erasers etc. Remember to carry your wristwatch. Don’t discuss any subject related things with friends. Don’t carry any books or notebooks to the exam. Stay away from students who are doing last-minute revision in the exam centre. Remember to read the instructions carefully in the question paper and just go and do the best you can. Be mentally ready for various uncertainties. Keep your cool under all circumstances. Take all possible precautionary measures. And most importantly, believe in yourself.
IFL  - Kuwait 2025